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That Is Scary


Protect Women Ohio


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Today in Ohio, if your minor child wants to have an abortion or get a sex change, you as a parent have rights, this amendment would take away those rights. It doesn't differentiate between a minor and an adult. And because there is language in there about reproductive decisions that do not limit it to just abortion. This is opening the door for any other reproductive therapies. Sex changes, anything to do with the reproductive organs. Then there's this phrase that the state shall not interfere as a parent, I could be cut out of these decisions that my child is making and someone who is coercing them or is talking them into something could take my teenage daughter, she could get an abortion or get a procedure done and I don't even know about it. That's what's scary. If you as a parent want to be involved in these big decisions in your child's life, read the amendment. You'll come to the same conclusion that this is about parental rights. It's not just about abortion like they say it is.
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