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Witch Hunt Trial Exposed


Kent for WA CD-03


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No it's not a Trump thing. There is the fact of the matter that the only reason that people were there on that day of January six is that the American people, the vast majority of them did not feel like their voices were heard at the election box and therefore things started to get a little bit dicey. And if our ruling class won't go back and actually adjudicated what happened with our elections, our system is going to continue to decay and no matter how much people in Congress lecture us or ignore these problems are system will crumble until we get people in there. Like I think we're going to have this november that can actually say, hey we hear you were gonna go back, we're gonna look at the election of 2020 we're gonna have a full committee, we're gonna keep the january 6th committee going. We're going to disclose to the american people once and for all what actually happened. Release all the footage, disclose the government's involvement. We have to start respecting our people once again everything that Liz Cheney just said everything. The woman that I'm running against, Jaime Herrera Butler, who's too afraid to come face her constituents or face me in a debate. Everything they stand for, we have to cast that off. If we are going to preserve this republic
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