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Losing Our Country


Scott for FL Senate


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If Ronald Reagan were here right now, he would say what in the hell have you guys done to migrate? Country? Crime is rampant and goes unpunished. Our border is wide open with for criminals and drugs that kill our people. Our debt is 32 trillion in climbing. Inflation is growing faster than our wages. There's a land war in Europe. We don't make things in America anymore. We buy them from our enemies in China. We pulled out of Afghanistan like a bunch of cowards. We don't know what a woman is and we think men can have babies. The government pays people not to work and says uh no one has to pay their loans back. The game is now rigged against hard working Americans who still believe in this country, believe in God and the American values of hard work, patriotism and self reliance. But this is not a fight for the faint of heart. It's not a fight for the weak. We are losing our country. It's time to cowboy up and fight like hell to turn this country around. We can do it, make no mistake. We will do it. I'm Rick Scott. I prove this message.
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