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Two Cents


Perry Johnson for President


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Senator schumer. What are you doing about the bloating cost of government got new high. Our fat bloated government is choking us with inflation. Milk, eggs, heat unaffordable. Just pay the government more. That's not the solution. That's the problem. We know. Bestest bester more. Best rest. I'm perry john's. I've written a book called two cents to save America. If Washington cuts the budget, just 2% a year. Problem solved. Harry Johnson brought quality controls to Detroit. That saved the American automobile industry. Next, we'll save America. Yes, I want the whole pie. Get two books. Send wanda schumer. I'm serious. This isn't rocket science. We can afford to live again. Order Perry johnson's two cents to save America. Today I'm Perry johnson. I approved this message. Trustworthiness, respect.
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