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Mannion for NY CD-22


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John Mannion before most of us, when he taught high school science for 25 years, Mr Mannion is usually the first name that comes up. He helped me through a tough year. He wanted us to succeed academically, but also personally, he helped inspire me to become a teacher. He was the teacher that gave him the confidence re taught, did whatever he needed to do because he really did care the little things, you know, and that you never forget that as president of his teachers union, John made sure his students got what they needed in the State Senate. He got more funding for every classroom and more good jobs. That's why he's endorsed by 27 labor unions, all these Democrats and of course a lot of old friends, you know, knowing him as an adult. Um it's been really nice to see how much of a family man he is, uh the love he has for his wife, for his kids. He'll be a great congressman. He's gonna care about the community, the people in it. It really means a lot to have someone like that fighting for Central New York. I'm John Mannion and I approve this message. What's better?
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